Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pure Happiness :)

I know that just about everything makes me happy...but this week has been EXTRA happy!! for SO many reasons :) :)

So happy that it made me want to blog about it, so here we are!

1. Finished my first semester at ASU with a 4.15 GPA. hard work paid off!
Now instead of feeling like THIS is taking over my days...I have a well earned MONTH break!!
2. My beautiful SISTER moved home!! I love my best friend!! Now, I'm not missing anyone or anything, I am perfectly content and happy with where I am and who I'm with...(okay I have some close friends at BYU that I miss, but we still keep in contact and make up for lost time when we're on break!)

3. I LOVE the HOLIDAY SEASON!!! Full of Happiness, love, service, lights, decorations, giving, christmas movies, romance, family, and friends.
My amazing Light friends did a "Remembering White Christmas" show.
ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! They did amazing.
I can never get enough of the temple+christmas lights...two of my very favorite things!!
I love makin sugar cookies and watchin christmas movies on rainy days with my bestie!
This season is being SO good to me :)

4. I Love the time I've been able to spend with my parents :) With all these days off, I've been so lucky to get one on one time with my incredible Mom and Dad!! I have been working out with Dad and shopping and making crafts with Mom. I love them so much, I am really glad that I have stayed home this semester and had this time with them. I learn so much from spending time and having good conversations with them. Truly incredible people.
I'm so blessed to call them my parents.
Mom and I have too much fun doing crafts :)
P90X-bring it!

5. I've loved spending time with my cute friends! I am so lucky to have such amazing girl friends! I also went swing dancing with some friends and Sis on Wednesday night!! SO much fun...we finally mastered these moves after many attempts. Pretty excited about it! As you can tell, I loved it!

6. Grafton Milne.
Our first date was last friday...yes, I've wanted to go on a date with him for a very long time!!! No one would blame me either, I think every single girl wants to go on a date with Grafton Milne-He's such an amazing guy! He was my home teacher for six months, and made me feel so welcome and loved in the ward. I've always admired the person he is-energetic, enthusiastic, friendly, and has a genuine love for people, life, and the Lord! To be honest-I thought I would NEVER get a date with him...i'll admit I have never been so excited/nervous to go on a date with someone before... and It turned out to be
THE best date EVER!!!!
I have had an incredible week with him...
He's such an entertaining, fun person and treats me So amazing.
I feel so blessed to be able to spend time with him and love getting to know him...
Can you tell how Happy I am?! :) :) Life is SOOO GOOOD!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My favorite quote :)

“You can be excellent in every way. You can be first class. There is no need for you to be a scrub. Respect yourself. Do not feel sorry for yourself. Do not dwell on unkind things others may say about you. Polish and refine whatever talents the Lord has given you. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life and look for its opportunities. And forever and always be Loyal to the church.”

~President Gordon B. Hinckley

I have this quote on my wall in my room, and lately I have been reading it quite often. It is so straight forward and inspirational, it reminds me of the important things in life and that if we will life this way we can truly be happy.

Life is truly wonderful! I love this holiday season and the joy it brings! I am so incredibly blessed!! School is (successfully) done for the semester, Heavenly Father loves me, and I have amazing people in my life! I couldn't be happier.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I have THE GREATEST friends. I am SO lucky!!

Girls Nights are my FAVORITE!!! I have THE cutest friends in the world. We went to Gecko Grill (of course) for dinner. It has been our tradition since Junior High, never get sick of it! We took tons of pictures, caught up on life, boys, school, jobs, and everything else!! Then we went to NEW MOON!!! I am definitely a huge Twilight fan! I couldn’t put the books down! Although the movies aren’t quite as good as I imagine in my head, I still enjoy them! These girls are so wonderful, they always make me feel so good! I feel so blessed to have these girls in my life. They’re always there for me, and no matter how busy and separated our lives get, there is always time for girls nights!


They are all so BEAUTIFUL...On the INSIDE and OUT!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


SO, As funny as it sounds, I LOVE when my Dad is Bored, because he entertains himself by teasing me! He definitely makes sure my life is never boring. I Was working on homework and he was "In a mood" . . . Since I had too much homework to entertain him, he thought of the genius plan to tie me into my room . . . mom didn't approve, but I found it hilarious! I went to leave my room and was STUCK!! Then, I hear laughing from my window, turn around to see him watching me, fully satisfied by his act. SO . . . he came back in just to take a picture and watch me untie it . . . I laughed and warned him that I would get him back!

SOOOOO.. . . When he was working I tied him into his office :) I was so proud of myself when all of a sudden he walks in the front door!! I was very confused, and then realized he crawled out of his window. . . just when I thought I was being sneaky! I still got a good laugh out of it.

When I move out I'm REALLY going to miss my dad teases. I decided I need this little bit of teasing for the rest of my life, never a dull moment!

Dear Future Husband,

I like to be teased :) It Keeps life entertaining! Just know I can dish it back! Be prepared!

love, Me

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I have had a lot of happy thoughts today! I am so blessed!! When things get crazy I just have to remember to find happiness in the small things :) I decided to make a list of things that make me happy, to remember in those times I feel...less happy!

1. My wonderful Family

2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ

3. Being Productive

4. Music

5. Driving with the windows down, hair down, music blasting!

6. Saying "Hi" to complete strangers

7. Making new friends

8. Performing/being on stage

9. Dancing

10. Singing

11. Studying really hard for a test-and it paying off!!

12. Making goals

13. Coconut

14. Bean and Cheese Burritos

15. Good, solid conversations

16. Friendly people

17. Smiling

18. Happy texts

19. Having someone special on my mind

20. DOVE Chocolate

21. Star gazing-I get SO excited when I see a shooting star

22. Sunsets!!

23. Actually, I love everything about the sky!! I'm amazed EVERY SINGLE DAY!

24. Taking pictures

25. Editing pictures

26. Happy, uplifting quotes


28. My amazing friends

29. Girls nights

30. Fun dates

31. Bright colors

32. Vacations

33. Little kids

34. Being 5 foot 3 inches

35. Naps

36. Gecko Grill

37. Memories

38. Seeing my siblings grow, and do what is right, and learning from them

39. Good, tight, hugs

40. Daydreaming

41. Texting

42. Overcoming weaknesses

43. Being silly

44. Giggle Fits- I tend to get those a lot, Laughing MUST be good for the health!

45. Spending time with people I love

46. Arizona! (especially 75 degree october weather and unbeatable skies!)

47. Chick flicks

48. Listening to church music...every day of the week.

49. Palm trees

50. Hammocks

51. Alone time

52. Letters!!(Especially from Missionaries-I am so proud of my friends on missions)

53. Feeling Loved

54. The beach/ocean

55. Good teeth

56. Scripture/Preach my Gospel Study

57. Snowboarding

58. Swing Dancing

59. Sunshine

60. Getting A's

61. Good advice

62. Pink and Teal

63. Vans

64. Having little feet!! (kids size shoes are Cheaper!!-and I have more options!)

65. Flowers

66. Surprises

67. My Honda Accord (Shelly)

68. My best friend named Lee A. Hona (A.k.A my GPS!!)

69. Sunglasses

70. Bright, colorful socks!

71. Accomplishments

72. Being helpful

73. Cookie dough

74. getting 8 hours of sleep

75. Having something to look forward to

76. listening to my Dad give talks

77. The prophet-Thomas S. Monson

78. Musicals!

79. Being spontaneous

80. Getting weird looks when I do silly things

81. Noticing the little things in Nature-what a beautiful world

82. Making a wish at 9:13

83. Princesses

84. Dressing up-in any kind of costume, or spirit activity

85. putting :) in texts... I probably over use

86. Rain

87. Running through sprinklers

88. SKYPE and iCHAT!

89. Swings

90. Disney

91. Roller coasters

92. Taco Bell

93. Soft blankets

93. Reeses

94. Salt and Vinegar chips

95. Kisses

96. Weekends

97. To-Do lists

98. Dolphins

99. When my favorite song comes on the radio

100. Hand massages

101. Sweatpants

102. Cuddling

103. Kisses on the forehead

104. Saving money

105. Blogging

106. Facebook/blog comments

107. Teasing...haha. I get that from my dad!

108. Doing homework outside!

109. Finding quiet places

110. My room

111. People that you feel so comfortable just being next to, and don't have to say a word.

112. Art work

113. Doodling

114. Friday the thirteenth...Actually my lucky day!!

115. the Number 13!! (I get so excited when I get to sit in seat "13" or anything that has to do with the number!

116. Random calls just to say "hi"

117. Thoughtful gifts just because....not just for a holiday.

118. GOOD people!

119. Reading good books...that I can't put down...Jos calls them my "boyfriend"

120. LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

So I've been thinking....

A LOT!!! Sometimes I think I think too much. I'm in this time of my life where I have to start making so many's a little overwhelming...but at the same time it is kind of fun.

I have been doing a lot of research on different schools making sure I can stay on top of the different prerequisites, especially the Dental hygiene programs at UVU and MCC. Every day I decide on one of them but then change my mind the next...There are so many choices to make. I am TORN sometimes between being responsible, by staying here and keeping my scholarship FREE SCHOOL and staying with my family...OR Having the experience of moving away, being independent and living in Utah with my friends and Sis...

There are times when I wish I knew where I would end up in life...what school I am going to go to for Dental Hygiene...Exactly what classes I'm going to take...What Job I'll have...Where I will live...Who I will marry...I've been thinking a lot about these things. I'm not wishing time away because I am loving the stage I am at now, but I feel like everything I do now, every goal I make, and every decision I have will lead to what my future turns out to be.

But I know that the whole "fun" in life is not knowing what will happen, and being able to make these decisions. It is kind of like a puzzle, I just have to find all the pieces!

I love having goals and working toward achieving them. Being productive and successful makes me happy. I've finally got the hang of school...and I'm loving it (I can't believe I'm saying that) because I am working hard and reaching my goals.
I think as long as I keep these goals, take one step at a time, and rely on the Lord everything will work out. As President Monson says "The future is as bright as your faith!" Oh how I love that. I love the hope that the gospel of Jesus Christ gives me. Even though decisions can be hard, I know that If I always do what is right I will never go Wrong.

What a beautiful, comforting thing to know!!!! :)

I discuss these decisions with my Dad very often, He kind of helps me sort through my possibilities...but is mainly my support towards each step I take...I am so blessed to have such a supportive family!

In our discussion today he said this to me...

"It's not all about the destination,'s about the Journey."-Wade Whiting

He's a smart man, I hope to be just like him someday
(in a woman version)... :)


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend in UTAH!!

What a wonderful trip !!

Since so many of my favorite people live in Utah now, I've been trying to find a way to visit since school started...Since I had failed attempts to convince my parents to let me drive up for the weekend, I was ecstatic to find out that Nana and Grandpa decided to drive to Utah for a Book of Mormon conference...They let me tag a long :) I was so extremely excited, I couldn't handle it! I Counted down the days for 13 days! I missed three days of school, and it was definitely worth it!! I loved every second of the trip and spent time with people I love!

I can't believe we did so many things in one short weekend! Here's a couple highlights:
  • Count down days, hours, min...then wanting time to slow down once I was there.
  • paradise bakery-sis's favorite!
  • Random Monochromatic dance party
  • yo zone with the girls (Fro Yo is our tradition)
  • jammin to music in the car with the windows down
  • Changing facebook status to:Laurisa is moving to Utah!-who knew so many people believed facebook!?
  • taking SO many pictures so I could remember every second
  • would you like to stay forever?!
  • meeting new people
  • party in the usa
  • going to the last conference session
  • prank calling random people and reading mad gab cards to them
  • staying up way too late
  • making sis wake up early so we didn't miss out on anything
  • home made oreo cookies in the middle of the night
  • Driving with Nana and Grandpa-"ELK!"-they make me laugh
  • Getting texts from Dad and Mitch saying that I'm the favorite Daughter/Sister...turns out they said the same to Sis!
  • Getting a call from Nana everyday reminding me to look at the "majestic mountains"
  • watched a random, ridiculous movie
  • skip bo with the family
  • lots of laughs
  • 1.0 and 2.0
  • realizing how completely opposite Sis and I are
  • sharing clothes-I miss that!
  • spontaneous dance moves
  • a trip to Sis's fav...forever21
  • dollar movies
  • oh heeeeyyyyyy!
  • performing our sister song
  • Inside jokes
  • Red Robin
  • Brick Oven
  • Costa Vida
  • Jason's Deli with Jason

I had to take advantage of every second I had with them... so we played a lot, and slept very little. I had the time of my life!

I love my beautiful Sis!! She's my best friend in the whole world, It was so fun to visit her!! She means so much to me, and is the most incredible person. I'm so happy I have her forever!
It was so fun seeing my girls!! Oh how I've missed them!
It was nice catching up :)

SO fun seeing good friends! I have the the most amazing friends, even though they all left me for BYU!
Maybe I will be able to join them soon!:)

I was SO excited to go to conference for the first time! It was so amazing! I couldn't get over the fact that there were over 21,000 people there! It was a very different experience being there, the spirit is so strong, it gave me chills. I loved the silence and respect with President Monson walked in, and I loved singing "Hope of Israel" with the congregation. We are so blessed to have a living prophet and apostles to give us guidance today. I love this gospel with all my heart. I enjoyed all of the conference talks, and learned so much. I want to go up there for the April conference too!

I love rain...even when it is cold... :)
Oh how I love my family, They are so much fun! Although I didn't get to see everyone, It was great seeing Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Jeff, Aunt Amber, and Megan! We enjoyed playing games sunday night. Nana and Grandpa even joined us! So fun! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!
I can't wait to visit again. I think half my heart is still in Utah! I only wish Gilbert and Provo were next to eachother...
now wouldn't that be wonderful?! :)