I started my first two weeks of seeing patients, G was my first, and It was so fun having him. I was really nervous. I know, sounds silly he's just my husband, but it was scary doing all of this for the first time, and I wanted to impress him ; ) It went a lot better than I expected, especially with such a great patient. He is so good to me, I am so blessed to have his support. I was able to see Nana as my second patient, which was so fun too. Especially with all the knowledge she has being married to a Periodontist, she's so cute, and SO happy to have me going into the same field as Gramps. I've had my ups and downs with school the past 4 weeks but I am definitely learning a lot!! This coming week I am seeing a patient I don't know...eeee!
We have had some fun date nights:
Last weekend we went to Dave and Busters and got our game on :) We had a gift card that we've been wanting to use that G has had for yearss...So we finally make it, and go to use our card, turns out it had 86 cents on it and we thought it had $25! haha. a little off, but since we were there we spent a couple bucks and enjoyed it!

This Weekend: Friday night, we went to "The Vow" and shared a milk shake at johnny rockets. I had been wanting to see this movie for months, and my amazing hubby came with me on opening night. Oh how i'm a sucker for cheesy chick flicks :) It was really cute, and based on a true story!!! If you don't already know what its about, there is a newly wed couple madly in love that get in a car accident. The wife hits her head and cannot remember her husband: She doesn't even recognize him, or remember meeting him, or marrying him. So he has to make her fall in love with him all over again. The whole time I couldn't image how hard it would be if that happened to G and I, it broke my heart. I can't imagine my life without him.
Saturday night we got to go on a fun date with G's Brother and his wife (stu and angie) and went to a fun little restaurant in Scottsdale called LoLo's Chicken and Waffles, soul food restaurant. Graf LOVED it. It brought him back to his mission in Atlanta, Georgia. He was too cute, he ordered grape kool-aid, corn bread, chicken and waffles to have the whole experience. And I enjoyed it too...totally random combination, fried chicken and waffles, and totally not the healthiest, but it was delicious and totally worth the experience. and we had so much fun with stu and angie! We are so lucky to have such great family.

After dinner we went to U.S Airways Center to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in concert. We were blessed to get free tickets from a family friend (Uncle Paul) that works at the arena, and he hooked us up in a suite. It was amazingg!!! They sang a variety of songs, spiritual, folk, classical, patriotic, show tunes... Their music is so touching and powerful. My favorite was a couple solos by Alex Boye, He has an incredible voice, and is so soulful, he was even doing a little dance on stage, so fun.
He has an incredible story: you can watch it here...
Life is great.