Sunday, October 10, 2010


On Saturday Grafton did an olympic triathlon at lake pleasant

{1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6.2 mile run}

It was so fun to watch him, oh I am so proud of my husband. He trained so hard the past couple months. and it was so great watching him accomplish such a goal. He really did amazing. Beat some personal bests and completed the rigorous course-swimming was in the choppy lake, and half the running and biking was straight up hill!! I loved being his number one fan.
(Lookin legit in his wetsuit before the race)

His proud parents :) We sure had fun cheering him on!
Yep, Thats my man!
Still has a smile on his face :)

(He was giving me a high five!)
andddd finish!!....I really love this man, very proud to be his wife :)
So proud of him for working so hard and accomplishing his goals!